Divine Guidance - Be Yourself

Since few weeks I was feeling disconnected on and off. I really didn't know exactly why. I was busy in social events, my daughter's exams and projects, festivals and my newly joined Zumba class. Though I could manage everything well, there was feeling inside me to withdraw from world and be only with myself. To get totally lost in a fantasy, magical world of books and serene destinations across the world. Of course everyone wants to have a ME time and I too was just looking for it to settle in my own skin and just be. Obviously situations at that time were demanding my time and attention and I showed up with my full presence as much as possible. I guess I needed a perception shift than "Me" time. There was some weird energy lingering in me and I could feel it was trying to get my attention. I started praying to Mahadev for help. I took help of Angel cards and they guided me to just "Be Myself". In this whole mental kiosk I didn't know what exa...