How I discovered my passion for Mandalas
There was a time in my life where I seemed to be lost, directionless, confused and purposeless. Yes this last adjective PURPOSELESS was silently killing me every now & then. Learnt different healing modalities in pursuit of direction, deep meaning & fulfillment in my life which I was yearning since long. Exploring these modalities & various self help books helped tremendously yet made me more curious to dig deep inside my soul to know what am I here to do. I desperately wanted to fill the void by finding out something meaningful in life. Education, job, happy married life, lovely kids, financial name it & I had it all. But I was searching something fulfilling incessantly. I tried many things, few enjoyed for a while, few left in between & then what's next.....I was fed up with it. Sometimes you strongly feel you need to do & become something and thus you remain so inflexible to see what's right in front of you that can also be the path to reach to your destination. May be the same thing was happening with me.
I follow many thought leaders on social media. Oprah, Tony Robbins, Vishen Lakhiani, Jay Shetty, Marie Forleo, Gabrielle Bernstein, Priya Kumar & more, all voiced the same thing....."Do what you LOVE". Following your heart & doing what you love to do is the key to deep fulfillment. When you think of doing something & you feel expansive, joyful, totally connected with your inner that you are on right path & Universe has your back.
So finally my quest led me to learn Access Consciousness ( To know more about Access Consciousness visit ) & I happened to attend one Access Bars Swap session. ( Bars Swap is when you give & Receive Access Bars session) During that session, the facilitator facilitated me to ask " What will it take for me do the things I love to do the most & get easily paid for the same?". I started asking this everyday. My awareness got me more inclined towards Mandalas.
Mandalas are found among the most ancient art forms created by human beings. Its a spiritual & ritual symbol in Hinduism & Buddhism. Mandalas are circular figures consisting of different shapes & lines. It begins from the center & expands outwards. It is one of the creative forms of Meditation too.
I started exploring more about Mandalas. It captivated me like anything. There was something in it that kept pulling me towards it. But at the same time I used to feel its difficult to draw, lot of time & patience required for it etc....There was some guiding force within me that propelled me to pursue it no matter what & I did. It wasn't that easy but I also couldn't keep my eyes off it. As I followed the energy, the path started unfolding. I started making Mandalas. I came across people who were doing Mandalas. I interacted & followed them. I got more information & doors started opening up.
As I was exploring Mandalas which are usually drawn with Pointed Pens, Dot Mandala got my attention. I extremely loved the idea of putting round dots of different sizes using different colors to create a Mandala design. Fantastic Idea! It was unlike normal Mandala. Dot Mandala was super fun & easy even if you have no drawing or painting experience. That was it...I dived into it & thoroughly enjoyed learning it on my own. I searched & gathered tools to make perfect dots. That was an awesome process. My friends loved my designs & asked me to start teaching it. I was prepared & confident to teach so I declared my first workshop.
It was a blissful experience for me. The participants got it immediately & started enjoying the workshop. Colors, pencils & scales brought up our childhood memories. They created beautiful Mandalas. I had found what I loved the most & eventually got paid for it. The joy of learning something new, adoring it & then sharing it with others is precious. I am so grateful that I dared to ask the question to know what I would love to do in my life.
There is no one thing you will enjoy & do your entire life. There will be many. Be curious, explore, open up yourself to know it. Don't settle for less. Ask...You got to ask to have anything in life.
Do check my Facebook page to know more about Mandalas.
Wow shubhda ... Excellent
ReplyDeleteThanks Namrata