Meditation - Path for Inner Transformation

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Word Meditation puts off loads of people. I can't do it, I don't have time, I can't quiet my mind, its boring.....are common comments we hear from people. We all are aware of numerous benefits of practicing Meditation but still unable to adopt it in a day to day life. 

What exactly is Meditation and how it helps us? 

Meditation means "Awareness". Whatever you do with awareness is Meditation. But what is Awareness then...its "Knowing, Seeing, Perceiving things/ people/ situation the way it is". (Without judgments and labels) 

Meditation isn't about controlling and getting rid of thoughts to attain peace and serenity. Don't try to empty your mind. Instead, try to let your thoughts, feelings, and whatever emotions you are feeling at the time flow. It's all about embracing present moment by being aware.That's it. You sit in silence, read an enriching book, cook meal, clean dishes, take a walk with your toddler with awareness is Meditation. There is no need for you to go on mountain top or any Ashram to experience connection, joy & bliss through Meditation.

Well known actors & thought leaders like Oprah, Madonna, Hugh Jackman, Rusell Brand, Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Jobs, Vishen Lakhiani, Jay Shetty, Gabrielle Bernstein, Dr. Shefali Tsabary & Marie Forleo advocates Meditation & have been meditating for years.
Lot of research has already been done & still being carried out studying the effects of Meditation on all levels of human life. 

  • Meditation alleviates Stress, Anxiety , Worry, Depression, Fear, anger......
  • Improves immune system & health
  • Enhances self awareness, memory, focus, concentration, compassion, connection, clarity, intuition and creativity
  • Makes your brain grow more gray matter in extremely important areas that control self awareness and emotional regulation

With the consistent Meditation practice, you will experience the gap in thoughts. This gap will be a space of no thought may be for fractions of seconds initially. It feels like a present moment awareness and deep peace. 

Once during my meditation practice I experienced a kind of energetic space around me which seemed like a shield from the impact of external triggers and emotional turbulence. It felt Awesome!

I feel extremely grateful when my clients share their experiences occurred during Meditation practice. They see Unicorns, angel Numbers, Owls, nudges to do something & instantly slipping into deeper trance.  

I feel Meditation is the best gift we can give ourselves everyday. Let us just commit to daily Meditation practice at least for five minutes. Dive into the realm of peace, love and awareness.  

Thank you. 



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