Angel's Guidance - "Get Some Exercise"


Angels are non denominational beings and messengers of God. We don't need to belong to any specific religion to call upon them or ask help from them. Anyone can connect with angels who wish to receive guidance, direction in life or pour out their worries and concerns to feel light. Angels guide and talk to us through signs such as gut feelings or intuition, feathers, coins, butterflies, numbers and assure us of their presence and protection. Angel Cards is one of the best way to connect with Angels to receive guidance about any situation in life.

Since many weeks whenever I did General Guidance Card Reading for me, one card was consistent amongst other cards. That was "Get Some Exercise", whether the reading was about my career, finances or general. We experience well being when our body and mind are in sync with each other. If one of them is imbalanced then other is definitely affected. Angels were guiding me accurately as my body too had been craving for dynamic movement and stretching. I kept waiting for right time to join Yoga class or Gym due to my routine and other responsibilities. Meanwhile i did try to workout at home but it was simply inconsistent. I lacked motivation and discipline. I wanted to exercise in a way which will make me stick to it and will be fun.

I decided to take Angel's help. I asked Angels to guide me on this journey and inspire me to exercise regularly. I began getting drawn towards running though I had never tried it earlier thinking i don't have stamina to even run a short distance. Universe had its way to align things and it did it perfectly and magically. During that time my husband expressed his desire to participate in "Fun Run" at Hiranandani Marathon. He pushed me to join him and I took it as a sign from the universe. We had hardly a week to prepare before the Marathon and we started walking and running early morning every day. I was super happy and charged up with this routine. "No Time" excuse was puffed in the air. We did feel the need to workout to increase the stamina and strength for running but we couldn't do that and focused on running only. Nevertheless, we enjoyed participating in "Fun Run" and were motivated to continue running. Physical activity helped us to be active, alert and happy. We felt awesome and determined to continue.

Now Universe had something else in store for us. Due to Corona Virus outbreak, complete lock down was declared in Mumbai. Running was stopped. Few days into the quarantine, we missed our runs a lot. We had plenty time now and we definitely wanted to move our body. When you ask, the whole universe conspires to manifest it for you. I was scrolling through you tube for home workouts and i came across a you tube channel called "Has Fit". We watched one video on cardio workout and  loved it. We decided to try it very next day. I and my husband worked out together next morning for half an hour and felt fantastic. The video's are systematically designed with warm up, cardio or strength workouts and cool down. A complete package.

More than anything else these workouts made us feel show up everyday to exercise. We could feel the increased stamina and strength in our muscles.

I immensely thanked Angels for guiding me. I fully understood why Angels guided me to exercise. Working out helped me to renew my energy levels and made me feel good about myself. I received new ideas and felt more connected with my inner being. Lethargy, boredom and anxiety about future was gone. I felt more optimistic towards everything specially finances and career. This feeling of allowance helped me to receive opportunities out of blue. Never have I ever been in my life so consistent with regards to exercise. Also working out as a couple helped us to motivate each other to continue and not give up on it.

There is so much wisdom and knowledge available out there for free. But still we are not making the most of it. We fail to commit not due of lack of time and money but due to lack of inspiration and self discipline. This is applicable to every aspect of our life.

We are not alone. God, Angels and Universe are always there to guide us. We need to ask for their help and trust the signs given by them and start taking inspired actions towards our goals. 


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