How I discovered my passion for Mandalas

There was a time in my life where I seemed to be lost, directionless, confused and purposeless. Yes this last adjective PURPOSELESS was silently killing me every now & then. Learnt different healing modalities in pursuit of direction, deep meaning & fulfillment in my life which I was yearning since long. Exploring these modalities & various self help books helped tremendously yet made me more curious to dig deep inside my soul to know what am I here to do. I desperately wanted to fill the void by finding out something meaningful in life. Education, job, happy married life, lovely kids, financial name it & I had it all. But I was searching something fulfilling incessantly. I tried many things, few enjoyed for a while, few left in between & then what's next.....I was fed up with it. Sometimes you strongly feel you need to do & become something and thus you remain so inflexible to see what's right in front of you that can also be the pa...