Be Willing to Receive.....

“Ask And You Shall Receive” is an Universal Law. But how many of us Ask what we would like to have. We refrain from asking mostly due to our past experiences of not always getting what we want & the way we want it to be. We never give second thought that are we open to receive what we would like to have in our life. In my early childhood asking & receiving, both were major concerns which I never realized until I grew up. Whenever any uncle or aunt used to ask me what I would like to eat or have as a gift, my standard answer used to be “No...No...I don’t want anything...thank you”. It then became my habit to say no to everything & my receiving started getting blocked. After getting acquainted with Law of Attraction, Power of Subconscious Mind & other healing modalities, my approach changed towards life. My perspective about asking & receiving shifted tremendously after learning Access Consciousness in January 2017 & the Magic began unfolding int...