Dreams Do Come True.....

Siya's dream is to travel around the world to share her knowledge, meet new people, make amazing friends, see spectacular landscapes and the cultural diversity. Her dream has begun unfolding, cutting through the fog of disbelief with the flashlight of guided actions, moment by moment, which led her to different places in her city. New people and experiences helped her grew personally and professionally. She is in awe of her life after a very long time. She finally trusts this process of life. Deep down inside she now strongly believes in the Magic of Universe which answers every question and fulfills every demand in its appropriate way and may be not exactly the way we want them to be. But we got to ask. She witnesses the OMENS the way Santiago, a shepherd boy from the book "The Alchemist" did. She is now convinced that all her dreams will come true if she is being fully present in the "Now" and listens to her soul's calling. Siya has decided...